Obion County Board of Education
June 1, 2009

Agenda Item: VII.A.

Consider/Approve Amendment to Board Policy #6.200 – Attendance

Preliminary Matters:

As stated in Board Policy #6.200, “Attendance is a key factor in student achievement and therefore, students are expected to be present each day school is in session.” System and school administrators have had several meetings to discuss school attendance rates, with an emphasis on grades 9-12 and the importance of student attendance during the implementation of block scheduling. Beginning with the 2009-2010 school year, student attendance in grades 9-12 will become increasingly important in student achievement, as students will complete courses in one semester under a block schedule. A block schedule will allow for more flexibility in student schedules and will provide for more student choices. However, with these increased opportunities, school attendance will be crucial.

The proposed amendments to Board Policy #6.200 are detailed on the attached document. The first amendment simplifies the excused/unexcused portion of the policy, while making modifications for a block schedule. The second amendment sets forth the requirements for time-for-time when student absences become excessive and recommends the development and implementation of an Attendance Point System. The administrative procedure for implementation of an Attendance Point System is detailed as attached. The third amendment separates the attendance hearing section of the policy into grades K-8 and grades 9-12.

Staff Recommendation:

I recommend adoption of the proposed amendments to Board Policy #6.200, along with the administrative procedure for the development and implementation of an Attendance Point System, on second and final reading.